Social Media Success from Duyar at SocialBrands Turkey
According to the November evaluations of SocialBrands, the social brand index that measures the social media performance of brands in a completely impartial and objective way, in which it examined more than 55 thousand brand accounts, Duyar Valve Instagram account became the first and only brand to be included in Turkey's Social Brand Index SocialBrands in the HVAC & Fire sector.
Duyar Valve, one of the brands that uses social media most actively in the sector within the scope of digital transformation projects in the evaluations, is expanding its interaction network in the digital communication world day by day with its Official Instagram page.
Duyar Valve SocialBrands Turkey took its place among the Top 100 Companies in the Instagram Construction Industry Category.
According to the November evaluations of Duyar Valve Turkey's social brand index, Social Brands Turkey, it was among the top 100 companies in the Construction Industry category and among the top 50 companies in the Materials and Other category.
Reinforcing its success with its modern investments and expanding production volume in the Valve and Fire sector, Duyar Valve is achieving new successes with its active interaction figures in social media.